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By Aaron Budd

Human Rights is a crucial issue in The United States and around the world. Over the past decade we have made tremendous progress in this field, but there is still a lot more to be made. These students write about current civil rights issues.

Human Rights

Stronger Convictions on Capital Murder Cases: Demoting Eyewitness Testimony

Issue Briefs


CHEN: The Story of an American Woman

By Chen Zhuang and Jason Marshall

Voting Rights 

By Aaron Budd

Would you, as a U.S. citizen, like to be treated differently than the rest of Americans?  “Stop Discrimination.  Stop Disenfranchisement.” shows how our country still discriminates against different groups of voters and advocates for more equal voting practices nationwide.

Stronger Conviction on Capital Murder Cases 

By Cameron Kellock

Did you know that people in the United States can be executed based on eyewitness testimony alone?  In this short segment, “Stronger Convictions in Capital Murder Cases: Demoting Eyewitness Testimony,” Troy Davis’ road to execution is exposed to make an example of how the death sentence can be carried out despite shaky evidence.

CHEN: The Story of an American Woman, depicts the struggles Chen Zhuang, an average college-aged American woman, faces in her daily life because she’s a woman. This short film highlights the subtle yet pervasive gender discrimination that is still present in the United States today.

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